Friday 6 February 2015

Creating memories...

7th February 1996
24th January 2015

A friend from the florist where I help out tragically lost her daughter on the 24th Jan this year.
The outpouring of love is testament to what a wonderful girl she was and how greatly she will be missed by so many.

On the days following her death her parents facebook feeds were awash with the shock of what had happened but also photo's of their beloved daughter.
Photo's from friends and family the world over, photo's spanning the almost 19 years she was here.

The blurry snapped without a second thought photo's have become joyous memories.  
The silly faces that they saw daily now treasured.
The times when she was with friends, family and loved ones.
The glimpses of family life.

Photo's they can now share with her two younger brothers. 
Letters, cards and stories, sent with messages of love they will also treasure and share with their youngest.

Life for them will never be the same and I am truly, deeply saddened for their loss.
I dearly hope they will see the world in glorious colour once again, one day.

I am notoriously shy of the camera.  
The chubby 40+ in the photo's is not the person I am on the inside.  My brain is still wired to the 20 something me!

But I want happy memories...
so I will ignore this 'tired lady' in my photo's and smile away like a loon, not hide behind the lens when a camera appears.
I shall carry on keeping silly drawings, cards and notes that litter my floors.
With the hope that when I'm old{er} and gray{er} I can smile with my loved ones and share these memories.


  1. Such sadness
    It makes us stop and think
    Reflect upon the things that really matter in life
    Best wishes


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