Friday 16 January 2015

Brighton 2015...

Not since Darling Gran died have we been to what used to be our annual trip out to Brighton on New Years Day.

This year though we managed it!  
Bob and I had both been given a bit of money for our Christmas gifts from parents and we pooled that together to give us a day out.

2015 saw us 3 short with the kiddos, the older 3 having partied New Years Eve and taking the chance for a lay in with peace and quiet at home.

I can't tell you how much I LOVE this trip to Brighton!

It literally BLOWS the cobwebs from my brain, the post Christmas fog lifts and I'm ready to face a new year.

The sea was amazing this year, WILD and STORMY.  
We couldn't hear ourselves talk over the waves crashing onto the pebble beach 
and we  half shouted/half laughed at each other.

It was COLD, so cold our hands were red from the wet pebbles we throw back to the sea.
Too cold for RV to hang around for a photo with Dad.

RV found this chalk that had been bashed about

He also managed to lose his footing on the shingle but thankfully didn't get wet

As mad as hatters all of them

My Christmas Boots!

We treated ourselves to a BIG OL BURGER for Ed's Diner

We found Choccy Woccy Doo Dah
but sadly it was closed

A gigantic Christmas Bear outside a restaurant that scared the life out of Loopy when it started to sing and move!

And as is our tradition we finished a day out on the pier

Bring it on 2015!

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