Friday 1 July 2011

No more blinking...

For when you do the children have a horrible habit of growing up.
Prom night for H last night and he did it in his own typical style!

My dad got married in blue suede shoes and my son went to Prom in...

Yep those are Green suede shoes!
(His date had chosen an Emerald green dress so what fixed the colour scheme!)

I am just so incredibly proud of my oldest son; all 6' 2" of him.  
How can it be that he is now 16years old?  
When did I blink so hard that that happened?

What lays ahead for him? Who can say. 

He is underneath it all a lovely lad, he is kind to melting point towards the younger children.  
His quietness can be taken as moodiness/offish; but only by those who haven't yet taken time to know him.
He is far too chilled, a relaxed attitude would be gross understatement; but I couldn't imagine him otherwise!  
We bumped into a father of an old school friend of his, someone we haven't seen in 4years?  He revealed that he has kept some of H's art work - convinced that he has the early works of the next Banksy!  So I hope somewhere he can find his niche in the art world too.
He brings calm to a group, his humour has diffused many a tense moment and the lad can cook!  Not posh nosh but he can feed himself and his friends with the contents of a fridge.

He has over time shown an inner strength and resistance; when he broke his arm a couple of years ago it took 6 hours of surgery to rebuild it, 2 metal plates and almost 20 screws hold his elbow and top arm together.  Did he moan? No he made crass jokes in A/E, having us all cringing when he could move the bone in the top of his arm and the bottom part stayed in the same place.
Did he decide that BMXing was in fact a bit too risky a sport to participate in and that maybe the doctors were right when they said he may never gain full use back in that arm?  Don't be daft he just jumped back on his bike and cruised for a while till the strength returned, did all the exercises that the physio team set him and has almost full movement in that arm.  To what has to be said the complete amazement of his surgeon, the physio and our GP!

I'll stop now as a public display of pride in him would mortify him! 
He is still after all a teenager

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