Thursday 30 June 2011

What did we do lately...

Well I tackled the washing pile that had taken over the was a close thing, the threat of a collapse was a worry but soon we overcame, folded, sorted & stacked.
simple things and all that

The latest edition of Wildlife Watch landed this week and we've spent lots of time looking through it

This months is tailor made for us as it has a whole special ladybird identification special!!

These were originally RV's cars and it gives me lots of happiness to see Fonzy enjoy them as much as RV did.  I would say they come out on a daily basis, we re-enact the film and make up our own stories too.

Loopy & Fozy build some lovely little dens or homes; some days they are husband & wife which is so sweet to hear them say 'hello darling wife/husband'!  Babies are always involved they are both very, very kind & attentive parents!

It wouldn't be home without a bit of train track lying around at some stage of the day

The table gets laid for us or dollies to eat at but rarely stays clear for the time needed and is generally back in use for crafting/working in the blink of an eye

This is a fair peak at snippets of a typical day...there is lots of time spent in the garden, out the front on scooters or skateboards, trips to the shops, library, toddler group, home-ed group,'s a never ending lovely long list of fun!


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