Sunday 5 January 2014

A Change of Direction...

This little here blog was started many moons ago, when I was in the depths of post natal depression, struggling, drowning.

As my little ones grew, my old self came back.  
I used this space as a place to keep a track of where I was, how we were doing, it kept me motivated to keep on trying, keep going.

Now my kiddos are all at school, I find myself less and less inclined to need to keep this blog all about my family.

It is becoming all about me
and that is just fine!

It has served its purpose and I am grateful.

I will be moving bloggy address very soon, a reflection of what I want to share.

Tart of Craft

It suits me well, pop over for a cuppa 
or perhaps if we're in the evening I might be having a crafty cocktail?!



Thanks for popping by...I love to hear from you and really appreciate you taking the time.
I am sorry about having to ask you to prove you're not a robot but for some reason I am having a LOT of spam nowadays {and we're not talking fritters!}