Wednesday 27 November 2013

November? Really?!...


I hold my hands up in shame and give them a slight 'jazz' hands wave of surrender

Who knows how it minute we're in October the next blink of an eye and whoosh we're here slap, bang, wallop in the middle of November!

I have been up to the usual runs, grocery shopping, walking, dinners from scratch, a whole heap of cutting/sticking/gluing, laundry, hoovering...and then repeat! {again and again}
eat, sleep, rave housework, repeat

I have had the crochet hook out, one blanket stalled, one almost done and a pair of mitts, {the simplest of patterns still foxing me}.  In my defense I am tired of an evening and reading even the simplest of patterns is simply proving challenging {hmm said out loud that does sound a little pathetic}
The blanket I am making progress on is looking rather scrummy,

I can see the home run now, but that's the boring sewing in of all the ends, blocking and joining!
But that is a lot of squares...I think I prefer the ripple blanket

We finally realised that our old sofas were simply beyond quirky and just downright nasty!  After counting that out of the possible 6 seats on the suite we only actually had 2 that were comfy we bit the bullet and took ourselves off to 'that' sofa shop.  
It is HUGE

we had to take doors off hinges and feet of the seats to fit it in the house
I feel like Thumberlina when Im sat on it!!

There is as always a lot going on but I never have the camera to hand to catch it!

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